Email delivery rules have changed. Make sure your emails get delivered.

Understanding Email Authentication

When you hit “send” on an email from your business, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to ensure its legitimacy. Email service providers like Gmail and Microsoft employ sophisticated algorithms to scrutinize each email’s authenticity. They’re on a mission to weed out spam and phishing attempts, those deceitful emails posing as trustworthy sources, aiming to lure recipients into divulging sensitive information on fake websites.

The Three Pillars of Email Authentication

To authenticate emails, three primary methods are employed:

SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF functions akin to a trusted friends list for sending letters. If your address isn’t on the list, your letter might not reach its intended recipient, as the mailman suspects impersonation.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM acts as a unique stamp or secret handshake on your emails, ensuring recipients that the message indeed originated from you and hasn’t been tampered with in transit.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): DMARC serves as a set of directives for the mailman, guiding what actions to take if an email lacks the necessary authentication markers. It’s a safeguard against unauthorized senders and ensures email integrity.

Email Evolution

Starting in February 2024, major email providers like Gmail and Yahoo have mandated the implementation of DKIM and DMARC for businesses. Failure to comply could result in emails being undelivered, potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of businesses unaware of their email setup deficiencies.

Don’t risk your business emails going undelivered. We offer a hassle-free assessment of your email setup, ensuring everything is configured correctly without requiring access to your systems. If issues are detected, we provide expert guidance on resolving them swiftly.

Book an Assessment Today! Why wait?

Book a 30-minute Zoom session with us. By the end, you’ll have clarity on whether your email setup meets the necessary standards. There’s absolutely NO OBLIGATION to purchase anything—ever. Schedule now to safeguard your email delivery reliability. You’ll be glad you did!